1. Find structure and stay healthy if you are working or going to school from home by keeping your routines and creating space is that is for work only. If working at home isn’t an option but you are home or will be home more, how can right now be an opportunity to explore creativity what you do and how you do it?
  2. Working with social isolation in ways that feel right to you. Connecting with those you can in person and those you can over skype, FaceTime, etc. Making plans, scheduling calls, showing up for neighbours or family that need extra support right now can be very grounding and supportive,
  3. Working with depression and anxiety especially now feels important. Given the times we are living in the collective panic that is in the air it will be important for all of us to stay open to our feelings and enhance our self-care. Speaking with a therapist or seeing a therapist could be a great resource.

Here are a few other health and mental health resources to have and share with others right now


 Therapy resources for finding someone or talking to someone

Health resources
Blogs recourses about meditation and stress relief 

Natalie Baker

NYC Psychotherapist Natalie Baker, LMHC is a NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback Trainer, Meditation Teacher and founder of Buddhist Psychotherapy NY. She has been in private practice since 2000 treating clients with conditions such as PTSD, trauma, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues and 30 years experience with mindfulness training.


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