Anxiety and Depression
4 Mindfulness Based Ways of Working with Anxiety
There are always ways to work with our anxiety, stress, and fear. Here is a video blog highlighting 4 ways to work with a mindfulness based approach to anxiety.
There are always ways to work with our anxiety, stress, and fear. Here is a video blog highlighting 4 ways to work with a mindfulness based approach to anxiety.
NYC Therapist Alison Pepper writes: “Anxiety, Depression, Stress, ADHD, PTSD, to name a few, can be very debilitating and challenging issues that many people deal with at points in their lives. We need to find effective tools that can help us cope with these issues. Group therapy can be an effective tool in bringing wellness into your life and address anxiety symptoms in a different way.”
“In my private practice at Buddhist Psychotherapy NY, I work with people in recovery or struggling to find their way there. In this blog post you can learn some compassion-based pointers for helping in recovery.” – Heather Coleman, NYC Therapist
Mindfulness is non-judgmental openness to whatever may be arising in the present moment–internally or externally. It allows for gentle and curious attention to anything: a sensation, an object or a relationship and is meant to be practiced over and over again. So, how do we practice mindfulness in our relationships? Here are 4 ways to start now.
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy, also known as MBCT, combines techniques of mindfulness meditation with actively looking into thoughts and feelings that are arising in the present moment.