Identifying Anxiety vs ADHD In Children
Does my child have ADHD or experiencing anxiety? Identify these symptoms and learn alternative therapies from psychotherapist, Natalie Baker.
Does my child have ADHD or experiencing anxiety? Identify these symptoms and learn alternative therapies from psychotherapist, Natalie Baker.
What is bad and good brain food? Research show if children diagnosed with ADHD were put on a restricted diet they a significant reduction in ADHD symptoms. We have compiled a list of foods that are good for your brain function and foods to avoid.
NYC Therapist Alison Pepper writes: “Anxiety, Depression, Stress, ADHD, PTSD, to name a few, can be very debilitating and challenging issues that many people deal with at points in their lives. We need to find effective tools that can help us cope with these issues. Group therapy can be an effective tool in bringing wellness into your life and address anxiety symptoms in a different way.”
Neurofeedback therapy can lead to repairing our relationships as our brain re-regulates from our stress response. Lead trauma expert Dr. Van Der Kolk outlines in his book The Body Keeps the Score, neurofeedback protocol for trauma treatment.
NYC Therapist Heather Coleman writes about complex trauma in the body, citing Bessel Van Der Kolk book, The Body Keeps the Score and the way trauma impacts our lives and ways to cope with the stress resulting from trauma.