Whether you are just staying in or are doing a more official 14 day quarantine right now chances are you are struggling with some aspect of this new COVID-19 lifestyle. It is important that we take care of ourselves and others right now by staying in but that can be hard especially if you are alone, have children, are extroverted, love nature, etc. etc. etc.
The CDC has some good resources about staying in. It’s important depending on where you live and if you are sick right now to respect and follow these recommendations.
5 Tips For Staying Home or Quarantined Right Now
- Go outside safely if you can or open your windows and spend time by your windows. Some of us can go outside right now, if that is the case social distance and spend time outside near your home, in a park, or if you have access to nature, in nature. If you or your kids are enjoying some chill screen time that’s great but once a day if you can get outside to see the sky and soak up some Vitamin D it is recommended.
- Drink lots of water and eat some healthy foods. As we all try to stay healthy right now it’s important to take extra good care of our bodies and minds. Eat what you have, eat what you like but don’t forget to drink another glass of water and don’t for get to have some fruits or veggies! Cooking and meal prep is also somethings that can be fun right now if you are home and looking for something to do. Maybe cook your favorite dish or try something you have never cooked before.
- Stay positive and stay connected. Being inside, watching the news, and learning about COVID-19 can be an overwhelming experiences for all of us. It important to take breaks from the topic, to change the channel on the TV but also change the channel of our minds. Talking with a friend, hoping on a video chat with a co-worker or family member can feel like a vacation right now. As for staying positive keep passing around those funny internet images, it will make you smile and make someone else smile too.
- Creating new routines and keep the ones you have. If you live alone, with friends, a partner, or family coming up with some daily routines can be very helpful right now. We are all home now and many of us working from home. Routines can keep us grounded and organized. They can also give us a sense of purpose when we otherwise might be feeling uncertain. For more information on the topic check out this blog by Mariana Plata.
- Meditation practice. One powerful way to work with uncertainty and strong emotions is to meditate or explore meditation. Here at Buddhist Psychotherapy NY we specialize in mixing easter and wester teachings of mind and heart. For more information about mediation, buddhism, and spirituality please take a look at our other blogs.
For more support right now consider Tele Therapy, Tele Coaching, or Online Groups. Our small NYC Buddhist Psychotherapy practice is growing and expanding online to help you now or in the future. If you aren’t sure therapy is for you check out this quick video by my coworker Heather Coleman, LCSW or explore our website.
More information about TeleTherapy and TeleCoaching see our website here
Learn more about our new online support groups; 6 groups starting March 2020